Friday, April 10, 2009

Status quo

I really have not much new to report. I have been extremely busy at work the past two days. Thus thoughts of TTC have not been as much on my mind as usual.

I took my last dose of Clomid on Wednesday night and am now just waiting to see how things develop. I have still had no side effects. And the ache/pressure in my right lower abdomen has pretty much gone away at this point.

I started peeing on OPKs on Thursday morning. I have been instructed to use an OPK each morning between 10:30 and 11:00 and to call the clinic's "nurse line" by 11:00 if I get a + prior to my mid-cycle u/s (now set for Tuesday, 4/14). The reason is because a + OPK would mean that my body is getting ready to ovulate on its own and I would need to come in THAT DAY for a follicle check u/s.

Today I didn't pee on my OPK until 11:30 because I was caught up taking a deposition. . . . but it was a non-issue because it wasn't + anyway. Yesterday's OPK had no second line at all; today's had a faint second line but nowhere near what I see for a positive. (When I have a + OPK, usually I can see the test line developing before the control line.)

When I had expressed concern previously about important cycle events occurring on a weekend, the nurse reassured me that the clinic is open every day of the year "except Christmas." So if I get a + OPK tomorrow or Sunday, I will call and could be having my IUI on Monday or Tuesday.

I have one day next week when it will be next-to-impossible for me to have my IUI; that's Friday. I have a deposition set on that morning that will be difficult to reschedule and cannot be covered by the other attorney on the case (or by any other lawyer in the office because everyone is busy on other matters), and the nurse has advised me that the IUI can only be done at 9:30 a.m. due to staffing and the need to wash the sperm, etc., first and time the trigger shot appropriately.

I am keeping my fingers crossed that things will not work out so that I have to have my IUI on Friday morning. Worst case scenario, if I find out on Tuesday that I will be triggering on Wednesday night (and thus having my IUI on Friday morning), I am giving serious consideration to telling the witness and the attorney for the other party that I have had a medical emergency that requires me to undergo a medical procedure which my doctor can only perform on Friday morning or not again for several weeks due to scheduling. Although this doesn't tell the WHOLE story, it is true: I wouldn't be able to have another IUI for at least four weeks if I don't have one this cycle because it will take that long for me to reach the right point in my cycle again.

As important as this deposition is, I've arrived at the conclusion that our attempts to have a child are more important. (The partners in my firm would be appalled! Just kidding; they all have children of their own, so I assume they would be understanding.)

Just continuing with my Chinese herbs, OPKs, acupuncture (tomorrow morning), and waiting. . . .

1 comment:

  1. I hope it all ends up working out for you. Your plate is so full! Something has to work out.


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