Friday, October 28, 2011

False alarm

Yesterday morning, I noticed areas of my uterus were tightening and relaxing intermittently. Oddly, it wasn't painful, but after it continued for an hour, I became concerned enough to call my OB. (One of my biggest fears is preterm labor.)

It took my OB's nurse two-and-a-half (!) hours to call me back. During that time, I lay down on my left side for 45 minutes (I have a cot set up in a vacant office for this purpose) and drank some extra water. The tightenings became less frequent but didn't completely go away. I explained to the nurse what I'd been feeling, and she more or less suggested that I go to the hospital's OB triage unit. (She said they could be Braxton Hicks contractions but were more frequent than they are comfortable with.)

So I went OB triage. They put me on a monitor to check for contractions for two separate 15-minute periods. They got a urine sample and tested it. They checked my blood pressure, and I had my first internal cervical check. (Side note: not fun. Going through ART, I've had plenty of things placed in my vagina over the past few years, but never someone's whole hand.). Eventually they did a quick u/s to check the babies' heartbeats.

At the end of all this, the babies were fine, and the monitor had detected no contractions. (I was no longer feeling them by this point.) My urine sample was clear, and my cervix was long and closed.

So my visit ended up being for nothing, but at least I was reassured that everything was ok. I'd rather go in for nothing than ignore a potential problem.

That was my "excitement" for yesterday. ;-)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

22 weeks

(Today's post will be all about pregnancy. If you don't feel like reading about that right now, I completely understand. Hope to see you again soon.)

Total Weight Loss/Gain: I am now back to what I weighed the morning of my first OB appointment.  Net gain/loss = 0, but at least the scale is moving up.  Given that I am able to eat more these days, I expect to see some actual weight gain soon.

Maternity Clothes: All maternity pants all the time now.  I'm still able to wear my own shirts (though not all of them, obviously), but I might break down and start buying some maternity shirts soon.

Stretch marks: I've had stretch marks for years from growth spurts and weight gain. I don't have any new ones related to pregnancy yet.

Sleep: Just OK. Getting up to pee 2-4 times a night.  If I allot at least nine hours for a night's sleep, I usually feel fairly rested.

Movement: I'm feeling more movement all the time, especially from Twin B. Twin A's movements are discernable but fainter (due to the placement of his placenta and positioning). Both twins seem more active if/when I eat/drink something cold or sweet (like juice).  I *thought* I felt Twin B kick my hand over the weekend, but it was a one-time event which has not yet been repeated.

Cravings/Aversions: Still no real cravings. I do think longingly about some of the things I'm not allowed to have, like sushi or soft cheeses, but I don't truly *crave* them. My food aversions are few these days.

Gender: We are having two boys.

Symptoms: I only have nausea occasionally now, but I do get "gaggy" at times.  (Still have a hard time brushing my teeth every time.)  I have heartburn some part of every day, and I burp a lot and get a lot of gas. Sore nipples which are generally darker but change shades from day to day. Sometimes I'm feeling stretching sensations across my abdomen, but these come and go.

What I miss: Being able to lie comfortably on my back.

What I look forward to: MM being able to feel the babies' movement, making it to viability in two weeks.

Moods: Generally good.

Milestones:  I'm lousy at this category; once again, I can't think of any since the last post.

Medical concerns: None so far, thank goodness.

Sex?: We haven't done it since my 20 weeks post.  MM continues to feel weird about it.

Misc:  Despite still not feeling 100% physically, I am feeling very fortunate to have gotten this far without pregnancy complications.  I am all too aware of the things that can go wrong and sadly, know women who have experienced losses or been put on bedrest prior to this point in their pregnancies.  I'm more than willing to put up with 15 more weeks of feeling subpar to get these babies here safe and healthy.

My fingers are crossed that I will be able to continue working up until delivery, though I have a Plan B in the back of my mind in case that doesn't happen.  I "know" (online) a woman who recently gave birth to twins at 38 weeks who worked full-time up until two days before delivery, and she is my inspiration.  :-)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

21 weeks (+ 1 day)

(Today's post will be all about pregnancy. If you don't feel like reading about that right now, I completely understand. Hope to see you again soon.)

I'm a day late with this post this week because I was traveling for work the past two days.


Total Weight Loss/Gain: I have now regained about 7 of the 9 lbs I initially lost. Overall change in weight: -2 lbs. Looking forward to seeing the scale actually move above what it was when I got pregnant!

Maternity Clothes:  All maternity pants all the time now, though I probably could still wear some of my bigger pre-pregnancy pants with the Bella Band.  I don't because they aren't as comfortable.  I'm still able to wear my own shirts (though not all of them, obviously).

Stretch marks: I've had stretch marks for years from growth spurts and weight gain. I don't have any new ones related to pregnancy yet.

Sleep: Just OK. I'm having more trouble sleeping soundly now, and if I roll onto my back in my sleep, I'll wake up within a few minutes because I'm uncomfortable.  Getting up to pee 2-4 times a night now.

Movement:  I'm feeling more movement all the time, especially from Twin B.  Twin A's movements are discernable but fainter (due to the placement of his placenta and positioning).  Both twins seem more active if/when I eat/drink something sweet (like juice).

Cravings/Aversions: Still no real cravings.  I do think longingly about some of the things I'm not allowed to have, like sushi or soft cheeses, but I don't truly *crave* them.  My food aversions are much fewer now, thank goodness.

Gender: We are having two boys.

Symptoms:  I only have a little bit of nausea each day now, but I have heartburn some part of every day, and my stomach is just generally more unsettled.  (I burp a lot and get a lot of gas, lovely, I know.)  Sore nipples which are generally darker but change shades from day to day. Sometimes I'm feeling stretching sensations across my abdomen, which makes sense since it's getting visibly larger by the week (seemingly by the day sometimes).

What I miss: Being able to lie comfortably on my back.

What I look forward to: MM being able to feel the babies' movement, making it to viability in a few weeks.

Moods: Generally good.

Milestones:  Hmm, can't really think of anything since last week's post.

Medical concerns: None so far, thank goodness.

Sex?:  We haven't done it since last week's post.

Misc: We agreed on which cribs to buy and are now just waiting until our next BRU 20% off coupon becomes effective to buy them.  (We already bought the matching changing table.)  Two of my closest friends are planning a baby shower for me in a few weeks.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

20 weeks

(Today's post will be all about pregnancy. If you don't feel like reading about that right now, I completely understand. Hope to see you again soon.)

Total Weight Loss/Gain: I have now regained about 6 of the 9 lbs I initially lost. Overall change in weight: -3 lbs.  I'm not as worried about my lack of weight gain thus far since we had our anatomy scan and found out that both babies are an ounce or two bigger than average for dates at this point.  At least my inability to eat much hasn't starved them so far!

Maternity Clothes: More maternity pants every week, still able to wear my own shirts (though not all of them, obviously).  A couple of pairs of pants still "fit" with the Bella Band, but they aren't very comfortable anymore.

Stretch marks: I've had stretch marks for years from growth spurts and weight gain. I don't have any new ones related to pregnancy yet.

Sleep: OK. Getting up a couple of times a night to pee pretty consistently now.

Movement: I've had that fluttering feeling in my left mid-to-lower abdomen several more times over the past week. After talking with the perinatologist about the position and location of the babies at our anatomy scan, I realize that the movement I've been feeling has been from Twin B.  Twin A's placenta is anterior, so I will likely have to wait until he is a little bigger to feel his kicks.

Cravings/Aversions:  Still have lots of food intolerances, many of which are somewhat unpredictable (i.e., something goes down fine on Tuesday and then the same food makes me bloated/nauseated on Wednesday).  No real cravings.

Gender:  We are having two boys.

Symptoms: Still some nausea, though I'm having more good days than bad days with that now. (Gah, you'd think at 20 weeks that would be gone!  Actually, at this point, I've resigned myself to the idea that I may continue to have nausea until I deliver.)  Occasional heartburn and bloating, but again, not as bad. Sore, darker nipples. Haven't noticed any round ligament pain since last week.

What I miss: Having a normal energy level, being able to eat anything I want.

What I look forward to: MM being able to feel the babies' movement.

Moods: Generally good.

Milestones: Since most doctors consider twins to be full term at 37 weeks, I am now more than halfway through my pregnancy!  Also, I actually look pregnant most of the time now, at least to people who know me.  Although my belly wasn't small before pregnancy, it sticks out more now and is rounder than usual.  Some heavy women have this body type, but I think it's becoming more obvious.  I'm including a crappy cell phone photo of me in the ladies' room last Friday so you can judge for yourselves:

Medical concerns: None so far, thank goodness.

Sex?:  We've done it, and it's been fine.  I actually find that my desire is higher now than a few weeks ago (when I'm not feeling nauseated). . . but MM is concerned about "disturbing" the babies.  ("They're right there!")  LOL

Misc:  With my BFF's help, I finally made a start on cleaning out the office/nursery-to-be last weekend.  Now I just need to have MM move a few more boxes out of the closet, and we need to sell/donate the desk and chairs in there to make room for nursery furniture. 
We actually have some baby clothes hanging in the closet now--not much, just a few miscellaneous onesies and the like that my MIL and I have bought--and it's pretty darn cute.  :-)

Friday, October 7, 2011

Gender reveal

We are having. . . . .


Even better news, they both appear to be normal and are measuring just slightly ahead of their dates in terms of growth.  We are so pleased!

Both the perinatologist and MM pointed out that I will now be severely outnumbered at home.  Even our dog is male!  LOL

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

19 weeks

(Today's post will be all about pregnancy. If you don't feel like reading about that right now, I completely understand. Hope to see you again soon.)


I wouldn't say I'm thankful for having had the experience of infertility. How could I be? I wouldn't wish that experience on an enemy, let alone on myself.  At the same time, though, I am thankful for the perspective it's given me.

This morning I was perusing my "due date club" on an internet site geared toward moms and expectant moms and came across a post from someone talking about her "extreme disappointment" at learning that her second child is going to be "another" boy. She talked about how she felt "broken hearted and like God hates [her]" and on and on in this vein.

(BTW, it's worth noting that the poster's pregnancy was unplanned; she says she and her boyfriend conceived while she was on birth control.)

I have dreamed for years of having a daughter, but if both these babies I'm currently carrying turn out to be boys, I will still be thrilled if we have two healthy children.  I can understand a minor, temporary disappointment at not getting what you wanted, but crying "hysterically for 20 minutes"?  Questioning whether I "deserve happiness"?  Not going to hear anything like that here.

Yes, perspective is a good thing.

Total Weight Loss/Gain:  I have now regained about 4 of the 9 lbs I initially lost. Overall change in weight: -5 lbs.

Maternity Clothes: I am wearing more and more maternity pants, though I can still wear some of my usual pants with the Bella Band.  Still wearing my usual shirts (though obviously not all of them).  One upside of being a plus-size woman: most of my regular clothes aren't very form-fitting, and blousy, tunic-type tops have been in style for a while.

Stretch marks: I've had stretch marks for years from growth spurts and weight gain. I don't have any new ones related to pregnancy yet.

Sleep: OK.  Getting up a couple of times a night to pee pretty consistently now.

Movement:  I've had that fluttering feeling in my lower abdomen several more times since last week.  I figure it must be the babies, based on the location and the difference between that feeling and anything I've felt before.

Cravings/Aversions: The only foods I'm "craving" are the things I can't have, like deli turkey sandwiches and sushi. Still not crazy about some cooked vegetables or dishes with sauces, but overall, I'd say my aversions are getting fewer.

Gender: We hope to find out on Friday!

Symptoms: Still some nausea, though I'm having more good days than bad days with that now. Occasional heartburn and bloating, but again, not as bad. Sore, darker nipples. I'm still having the pulling sensations across my abdomen which were new as of last week and an occasional sharp pain near my hip bones which I think is round ligament pain.

What I miss: Having a normal energy level, being able to eat anything I want.

What I look forward to: Anatomy scan on 10/7. Actually looking consistently pregnant instead of just fat (though I do think I'm showing more this week). MM being able to feel the babies' movement.

Moods: Generally good.

Milestones: I've read that the babies may be able to hear now.

Medical concerns: None so far.

Sex?: Eh.

Misc: Finally going to empty out the home-office-soon-to-be-nursery this Saturday.  Once that's done, I'll be able to order the crib and changing table and other baby stuff.  Not looking forward to the process but definitely looking forward to the end result.