So I kind-of got my wish: I have four follicles which were large enough to be detected on u/s. The two on the right measured 15 mm each, and of the two on the left, one measured 16 mm and the other measured 23 mm.
Currently I am scheduled to trigger tomorrow night at 11:30 p.m., with an IUI scheduled for 9:30 a.m. on Monday. One thing that may throw a wrench into our plans, though, is if my body begins to create its own LH surge. If that happens, I will have to trigger during the day tomorrow and have my IUI on Sunday morning. Which in and of itself would not be horrible, but if I begin to ovulate on my own, before the trigger, there is a distinct possibility that three of my follicles will not yet be large enough to contain a mature egg.
As I understand it, because the follicles continue to grow 1-2 mm per day until they release their eggs, if I wait until tomorrow night to trigger for a Monday morning IUI, there is a very good possibility that all four follicles will contain (and release) a mature egg. (I'm told that each follicle would need to be at least 16-17 mm to be considered mature.) Four chances are better than one, so I am hoping that's what happens.
Nurse Favorite said my lining looked "great, textbook" at 9 mm. So despite having used Clomid for the fifth sixth cycle, that's not a problem.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that tomorrow's OPK is negative.
You sound "ripe" my dear! And very positive. Keep up the good mental outlook!