Friday, June 24, 2011


That's my beta hCG level: 546, 11dp5dt.  My P4 level was also good.  It was 34.2, and St. Mungo's wants it to be >20.

I'm kind-of in shock.  I never expected such a high first beta!

Is anyone else thinking twins?


  1. OMG!!!!! Congrats!!! I'm so happy for've come so far and you deserve this! Again...congrats!!!

  2. Great number! I don't think you can tell twins from beta--having had high betas with this one and a friend who had betas high even for multiples in her singleton pregnancies. BUT only time will tell. Such a good beginning!

  3. OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!! no words to tell you how thrilled I am for you. Enjoy your weekend, new mommy to be. Looking forward to some rising betas next week.

  4. That was my first thought...twins! And FANTASTIC P4 by the way. You are off to an incredible start!

  5. Wow that is one fantastic beta! Don't know about twins, but can't wait to hear how it doubles. So excited for you!!!

  6. I obsessed over my beta in the beginning, and so I offer you this website to compare:


  7. @My Vegas, that is a very interesting link, thanks for sharing it! Looks like I'm at the high end for singletons, but there were several betas at 11dp5dt higher than mine.

  8. Wow, what a great number! You are definitely pregnant :) My beta at 11dp5dt was 430 and I was pg with triplets. Time will tell, are you going in for a 2nd beta to confirm doubling?

  9. Wowee! What a great beta! So, so happy for you, S.

  10. Yay! Twins was my first thought, but I'm no expert! Congrats!

  11. AWESOME!!!! such a great first number! congrats!

  12. yay!! that is an excellent number! I don't know that its twins, but it sound like it could be! Fingers crossed for doubling betas!

  13. Woohoo!!! Congrats!!! Enjoy the heck outta your weekend!!

  14. Congrats, both very great numbers!!

    Its still likely it could still be a singleton. My beta at 18 DPO was 1180, and it was just one in there. Doubling is more telling I think, than the number on any day.

    Hope you have smooth sailing from this point on!

  15. I'm a lurker just delurking to say congrats! That is a fantastic beta! Wow!

    I can't say much on the twin issue because there is such a wide range to beta numbers no matter if they are singletons or twins. Fingers crossed that you have fantastic numbers with your next beta.

  16. Congrats on your beta numbers! My beta for this pregnancy was 472 at 14dpDIUI...and it's triplets....but betas aren't the best thing to go by....but I wouldn't be too surprised if it was twins :-)

    Congratulations again!

    Here Via Compromised Fertility.

    Life in the White House

  17. Fabulous! Lots of love to you, congrats!!

  18. The important thing is you are pregnant!

  19. I am so amazingly overwhelmingly excited for you. I have been reading your blog since I began my own struggle to get pregnant and am now a happy momma of almost 10 month old twins. I've been sad with you when scheduling conflicts got in your way, failed cycles and decisions to stop trying altogether. I am so thrilled you will finally be a mom. Wishing you all the best from here on out.

    -c by the sea

  20. could be twins, but i think that what we have here is a strong pregnancy!

    not surprised you are feeling peckish already!!!

    what does MM think about twins? what do you think for that matter?

    hurray!!! so excited!!

  21. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Looks like you have some great news....congrats on your pregnancy!! hooray!!! xoxoxo

  22. Awesome numbers. Congratulations! Things are looking up :)

  23. I'm definitely thinking twins. That is one high beta! Will you have another draw? When is your first ultrasound? Eek!

  24. Woohoo!!! Awesome beta and P4...those numbers are wonderful!!! You give me hope for my upcoming cycle:)

  25. what a high number! told ya! ;) congrats!

  26. Holy Crow, woman! Fantastic number!!!

  27. thats almost exactly what my first beta was with our first ivf that started out as twins!


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