Friday, January 6, 2012

Um yeah so

At the end of my last post, when I said I was trying to finish up a few small projects at work so that everything would be in an OK position for when I started my leave. . . . yeah, that's not gonna happen.

Yesterday morning, I woke up early (around 3 a.m.) with a bad headache.  The pain was similar to migraine pain but not similar to *my* typical migraines.  (And I've only had two migraines since I've been pregnant.)

I slept fitfully off and on until around 7 a.m.  I had made up my mind that I wasn't going to work, and I thought it would be a good idea to let my OB know about my headache, just in case it was a sign of something more serious going on.

Long story short, I went into the OB's office and my blood pressure was elevated. . . not dangerously high, 130s-140s/90s.  Fortunately, apart from the elevated blood pressure and headache, I don't have any other symptoms of preeclampsia at this time. . . but I was told to go home to be on modified bed rest effective immediately and to return to the office on Monday for another appointment.

So I've spent most of the last two days lying on my left side on the couch.  I haven't been able to tie up my loose ends at work, and it's not looking hopeful for me to be able to go back and do so next week.  (I'm thinking it's unlikely that my blood pressure will spontaneously return to normal now that it's started to rise, and I'm still having headaches.)

On the plus side, I'm glad I went to the doctor as soon as I suspected something might be wrong.  Also, my mother is in town, so she has been able to help me out and run some errands for me.

I am still hoping to keep these babies in utero until at least 36 weeks.  I hope that's still a possibility.


  1. Yikes, girl. The migraines sound horrific and combined with the high BP... Take care of yourself and please keep us posted. Remember, work CAN live without you. I know it's hard for us career women to believe. :)

  2. I am SO glad you listened to your body and went to the dr. As hard as it may be take good care of yourself and those babies! I hope you feel better and I am sorry you are dealing with this. Work will be there and I'd you can't deal with it someone else will.
    Good luck, thinking of you.

  3. So sorry about your headache! I was just put on modified bed rest too. I think its just par for the course at this stage in a twin pregnancy. Gotta keep these babies in for another month or so!

  4. ah!!! Oh no!

    Take care of yourself. I hope Monday's appointment shows that you are well and just needed a little R&R.

  5. I had pre-existing blood pressure issues and a history that pre-disposed me to pre-eclampsia. My blood pressure DID go up as the pregnancy progressed and I had headaches but like you, no other symptoms (occasionally had a bit of protein but always clear on re-test). I stopped work early as a precaution and, d'you know what? The blood pressure came down a bit and the headaches got less! Best guess, both were caused by stress. Sincerely hope that you're the same and that you get to enjoy a bit of R & R before being launched into busy life as a mum.

  6. Hang in there! That's good that you got yourself checked out and I hope the modified bedrest helps. Not too much longer to go!

  7. Oh, so glad you went to the doc. My sister in law (you might know this) was preeclampsic with her first baby, and her blood pressure skyrocketed dangerously high before anybody really knew what to do about it -- a headache was her first symptom. She did not have a good doctor, however (has since switched to a wonderful doctor), which is why it resulted in her being induced very early. Vibes to you for a comfortable rest of the pregnancy!!

  8. Me too!! Hang in there!! These BP scares suck I know.

  9. Sorry you couldn't get things wrapped up, but it is better to take care of yourself and the babies. Hopefully, you will be bored stiff and the babies will be here in 4 to 6 weeks.

  10. Good luck. Take them seriously when they say modified bed rest. I had pregnancy induced hypertension with my first daughter. Fortunately for me it was towards the end (36.5 weeks) but it increased quickly and I was induced 11 days later. Good luck

  11. So sorry to hear your on bed rest, but happy that you identified what was wrong so quickly. And trust me, other lawyers can pick up the slack and cover for you - I'm sure you've done it a million times for others. Just relax and take care of yourself. You're all in my prayers!

  12. Thank goodness you decided to go see your doctor and not take any chances! I know bedrest isn't fun, but you are doing the right thing - work be have babies to take care of! I hope your BP levels off or comes down and that you are able to hold onto those boys a few more weeks. Sending you warm hugs and prayers.

  13. I'm so sorry this is happening to you. But so great that you caught it early and are doing everything right. Work is just work...your baby is the most important thing.
    Take care of yourself and I hope bed rest isn't too hard on you...

  14. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you and you little ones. As everyone kept telling me during my three weeks of bed rest - "Your only job right now is keeping that baby (babies) inside of you.... The rest will take care of itself." I know, letting go of that worry is easier said than done. But you have worked so hard to get here...I know you will do awesome in this final stretch. Best of luck.


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