Saturday, January 21, 2012

They're here!

I don't have time for a long post but wanted to let you know that our boys arrived late Thursday night. Alexander (Twin A, hereafter AJ) weighed 5 # 5 oz, and Mason (Twin B, hereafter MJ) weighed 5 # 6 oz. Each has done well and avoided the NICU entirely so far.

I, on the other hand, have had a bit of a difficult time. I will write more detail when I can, as the boys are coming to be fed soon. They are doing great for 34-weekers!

Photos and full story to follow . . . .


  1. Aw! I love their names!

    Can't wait to see pictures. :)

  2. congratulations on the birth of your sons!!! I hope the little ones continue to do well. And I really hope you are ok, take care of yourself little mommy

  3. Amazing!!! Welcome to the world, boys!

    Feel better. I bet the birth story is a doozy, and involves lots of meds, rushing around, and nausea and discomfort. And not a small amount of panic.

  4. Yay Congrats. So glad they ate doing do well!!

  5. That's wonderful news about the babies and I hope you are recovering too!

  6. Congrats! FWIW, they're both bigger than my almost 38-week singleton! I hope you're recovering well and get to bring them home soon.

  7. Congrats! Love their names. Cant wait for details.

  8. Hooray!!! I'm so glad they're here and healthy :-)

  9. Congratulations! So pleased they are doing well, but sorry to hear you're suffering. Childbirth, however it happens, is often not terribly kind to the mama! Hope you feel better soon.

  10. BIG congratulations to you and your husband on the birth of your twins!!! They were a great size for 34 weeks! Hope you have a quick recovery and feeding is going well. Look forward to your next update!

  11. So very happy for you! I'm a lurker but couldn't pass up the opportunity to celebrate with you. Get well soon!

  12. woooooo hooooo!!! so happy they are well and even happier they have avoided the nicu!!! thats great!!! can't wait to see pictures!
    hoping you are doing ok

  13. OMG CONGRATS!!! So glad to hear the boys are doing so well! This is making it so real for me now! I'm soooooo happy for you!!

  14. How exciting! I can't believe they are here already! So happy to hear they are healthy. I hope you rebound quickly!!

  15. Oh S! I'm so very happy for you!!!! Congratulations Mama!!!

  16. Welcome sweet baby boys! Can't wait to hear the full story!

  17. Congrats!!!! Praying all continues to go well for your sweet baby boys and that you recover quickly!

  18. Oh S!!!! I am relieved to hear all is well! Congrats!!!! Love the names!!

  19. Congrats times two! My LO is also an Alexander! I love that name!

  20. Congratulations! Welcome to the world, AJ and MJ!

  21. Mazel tov!!! So glad to hear all 3 of you are OK!

  22. A huge congratulations to you and your family S! I am thrilled for you. It really is fantastic to "witness" this major event after following you for so long. Take care, hope u are okay & lots of love to you :)

  23. Congratulations!!

    I am glad your boys are doing so well.

    I sincerely hope that you have a full recovery and soon! *hugs*

  24. OMG!!!!!!q. Congrats. It's amazing they've completely avoided the nicu! They told me if I deliver this week they'd automatically be checked in there. Can't wait to hear more. I'm still holding on.... I hope your health improves, sister!

  25. Congratulations! I can't wait to see photos!

  26. CONGRATULATIONS!!! So glad they are doing well so far. Hoping you are OK and recover quickly!

  27. Congratulations on your healthy boys! I can't wait to hear all about it!

  28. Congratulations!!! Welcome to the world AJ and MJ!
    Hope you heal up quickly and that all of the pre-eclampsia stuff has now passed.

  29. Oh wow!! So exciting and congratulations! Im happy to hearths boys are well and hope you recover quickly.

  30. Congrats!!!! Welcome, welcome little ones!

  31. Congratulations! So exciting. :)

  32. Congrats! I hope everyone is doing well. Can't wait to see pics.

  33. HUGE congratulations!!!!
    And sorry you have had a difficult time...hope things are going better.


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