Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Day 14 NaBloPoMo

Today's NaBloPoMo prompt:  Tell us about the best meal you ever cooked.

Given my lack of domestic skills in general, and culinary skills in particular, this question is a tough one for me to answer even after thinking about it for a while.  I really don't think I have ever cooked a meal that I'd feel comfortable assigning the word "best" to.  Honestly, the best meals I've served in my home are meals that have been prepared elsewhere and brought in.  Sad but true.

I am grateful that I have a husband who doesn't much care that I don't cook much.  Given MM's (picky) eating habits, he wouldn't eat most things I would cook anyway, even if I made them.  So I guess in that way, we are well-matched.

1 comment:

  1. I love to cook but only when I'm feeling well enough to do so. However, today is a day that I'm not up to it but the ground turkey is defrosted so there is no choice but to cook today. I think I need a part time maid. LOL


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