Thursday, September 20, 2012

8 months

I can hardly believe that our sons turned 8 months old yesterday!  I had planned to include some of their 8-month photos with this post but forgot to upload them to the computer.  Oops.  Maybe next post I'll remember.  I share with you some photos from the past month instead.

(If you're checking this post on or after 9/30/12, the photos have been removed from this post.  If you're a regular reader, email me, and I'll be happy to share them.)

Here is AJ.  He is sitting very well without assistance these days and crawling all over the place!  He started with a few hitching "steps" at the end of August and has progressed daily ever since.  It's hard to get a decent photo of him with my point-and-shoot camera because he is constantly in motion.  He has also become a very good little eater, eating more than his (heavier) brother at many feedings.

Here is MJ.  He is not yet actually crawling but is able to get around very well by rolling, pulling himself and scooting.  He is also able to get in and out of a seated position on his own, and he has two teeth on the bottom!  The first broke through a few weeks ago, and the second joined it yesterday.

AJ and MJ playing on the big bed (smiles courtesy of Daddy's antics).

It is so fun watching them learn and grow and progress, and I love their smiles and laughs.  We are really enjoying them!


  1. Oh they are cute. You've got your hands full there.

  2. Wow, they have a TON of hair! What little cuties!

  3. Happy 8 months! They are SO cute!

  4. They are so adorable! Gosh, it's hard to believe that Simon will be that big before long.

  5. AHAHAH awesome!!! I think the 2nd from the last is my favorite. MJ looks like he's doing an impression of a lion. :)

  6. Oh they are precious! I especially love the photos of them together!

  7. Adorable, S! Happy little boys :)

  8. Adorable. :) They are getting so big!!!

  9. Wow! Time certainly is flying. I can't believe they are 8 months old already!


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